About me
My name is Joy Swan, owner and founder of the Joy of photography. I have 24 years of professional experience, an Associate's Degree in Photography and was a volunteer for NILMDTS for 7 years. I take great pride in my work and feel honored to be a part of the creation of memories that will be treasured for years to come. Life is so precious and we never know what it's going to hand us, which is why photos are so very important.
Here are a couple quotes that I absolutely love:
"You make a living by what you get, you make a life by what you give." - I live by this quote. I make a continued effort to volunteer and donate to my community.
"What you have caught on film is captured forever...It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything."
("caught on film" sounds like a thing of the past, but that's how I learned, on a 4x5 with bellows!)
Above you will see my family; my husband Lucas, son Gavin, daughter Aliah and Payton. Lucas and I have known one another our whole lives. Our moms have been friends since they were 12! I used to spy on him playing baseball with my brother in our backyard when we were kids! Who would have thought some day we'd be husband and wife? Lucas and I started dating in 2007 and got married in 2012. With love we welcomed our son in 2014 and our daughter Aliah in 2016 and our daughter Payton in 2021. To say that I am blessed would be an understatement. I am living the life I never thought was possible but always dreamed I would live. Like any family we have our challenges; after all we do have 3 kids! Which is why I have an understanding and appreciation for families. Having a family isn't always sunshine and roses but when you have a positive mind set anything is possible. I can't say enough how blessed I am to get to do what I love for a living. Thank you to everyone that makes it possible!
Lets work together
Phone: 563.556.1111